zaterdag 30 mei 2015


Source: google

Yesterday I went with my school to walibi (that is a big amusement park in holland)to celebrate the end of the finals . The most people would probably like that is it that I don't like roller coaster and other things that move to quickly. Lucky enough I had some friends who also can't really handle that so well. But after a couple time of not going in a attraction i went in one. and that went quit well. Which is a huge thing for my to do. but I'm happy that i did that.

the rest of the day was a fun they besides from the weather. (it rains a lot in Holland) A friend a my bought the biggest cotton candy i have ever seen. it was more than half a meter high and she ate it all by here self even the staff was surprised she could finnish it. A other friend of my won a minion stuffed toy with a ball game.

my fiend with her cotton candy

Have you done something recently that you are proud of or that you over came a fear tell me. ^_^

Bye Bye

dinsdag 26 mei 2015

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maandag 25 mei 2015

The Welcome-ing

This is my first blog post, so I thought it was a good idea to introduce myself.
I'm Zinzi (I know not the most usual name)  and from Amsterdam. probably i think about canals and mansions when you here Amsterdam. On the contrary, I am not from that piece of Amsterdam. 
I'm 17 and as my finals went well I'm finally done with high school and I can start my study physiotherapy. which I'm really looking forward to. but on the other hand is quite scary. 

I wanted to start this blog so I have away to express what I think and to see know what other people think about it. I don't know where the rest of this blog is going about. But we will see that in time.

Bye Bye

Source: google